What is Internal Marketing: Its Benefits and Strategies

What is Internal Marketing: Its Benefits and Strategies

The article highlights internal marketing, as well as the several significances of internal marketing, which include a healthier work environment, enhanced productivity, and increased customer satisfaction. This business guide also specifies the types of internal marketing which include product marketing, brand authenticity, employer communication, internal communication, and employer branding.

A product or service-based organisation’s primary motive is to satisfy customer needs. In the process of fulfilling customers’ needs with their product, a company undergoes several testing and marketing processes. Among the several marketing processes and strategies is internal marketing, a strategy wherein the company considers its employees as its customers for product review and improvement.

In this business guide, we have explained everything about Internal marketing including its definition and several strategic examples.

What is Internal Marketing?

Internal Marketing or employee marketing is a strategy under which employees are considered as the target audience or customers to build internal knowledge for the overall growth of a product or service.

Internal Marketing is similar to external marketing; however, differs in the target audience. In internal marketing, you sell your product or service to employees for a better work culture understanding and to increase brand advocacy. Furthermore, initiating internal marketing before external marketing helps you to improve your product/service before launching it to the market.

Internal Marketing Vs External Marketing: What are the differences?

The terms internal marketing and external marketing are two vital components of a marketing firm or organisation. While both of them influence improvements, the table below lists the primary differences between the marketing strategies;

ParametersInternal MarketingExternal Marketing
Target GroupEmployees Customers
CommunicationBetween Firm and EmployeesBetween Firm and Customers
Promotional FeaturesSalary Increases, Transfers, Staff Recognition, and benefitsSocial Media, Advertisements, Newsletters
MotiveLeverages Job SatisfactionSurges Customer Satisfaction
RequirementsVision and PlanningControl and Feedback

What are the Benefits of Internal Marketing?

One of the major components of marketing, internal marketing has several benefits. Some of them are,

  • Healthier Work Environment: In a company where employees feel valued and take their work seriously are less likely to switch to another company.
  • Reduced Hiring Expenses: A company that is listed among the non-toxic workplaces barely spends money to attract fresh employees and talent.
  • Increased Productivity: An employee who feels worthy to contribute to a mission poses great work
  • Enhanced Employee Fulfilment: In an organisation where employees are praised for their work and accomplishments propagates an employee’s satisfaction.
  • Increased Customer Interactions: If you provide a healthier environment for your employees, they will serve a similar behaviour to your customers. Hence, it will surge an organisation’s profit.

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What are the types of Internal Marketing?

What are the types of Internal Marketing?

While there are several types of internal marketing, the primary types are,

Product Marketing 

One of the vital strategies, includes introducing your product/service to your employees. Strategic research states that more than 20 percent of an organisation’s employees think that their organisation’s product is not helpful.

In such cases, it is necessary to introduce your product to your employees first. Additionally, their positive feedback helps in improving your product and services for a brand 

Brand Authenticity

This factor defines the extent to which customers accept that a brand is truthful. A research factor concludes that an estimated 90 per cent of customers choose authenticity as their product choice. Additionally, if the Internet staff terms your product as reliable, they are likely to enhance and promote your brands. Similar to customers, employees, if they believe their company is branding a trustable product, are more likely to commit to their company.

Employer Branding

The term means advertising and telling the employees how you are a top employer for them. This process also includes telling your employees how you are the best company for them. Not only will employer branding will add more commitment to your employees but it will also attract the new talent 

Internal Communications

This term refers to the communication collaboration between an organisation’s head and its employees. Several workplace research conclude that an interactive environment improves the productivity of employee

Project Branding

The term project branding means starting a value proposition. In internal projects, several companies establish an advertisement for internal stakeholders. However, it is the process of creating a loyal and supportive environment in your organisation.

What Are the Internal Marketing Strategies That Accelerate Brand Advocacy?

What Are the Internal Marketing Strategies That Accelerate Brand Advocacy?
Photo by Tomáš Stanislavský on Unsplash

Practising positive internal marketing tactics boasts a positive and growing work environment. While there are a plethora of marketing strategies, below we have mentioned strategies that have been proven successful by the experts;

Brand Awareness

One of the primary strategies to connect your employees with your company is brand education or awareness. It is also important to showcase an inclusive work culture. Research proves that employees who feel they are working with an extensive brand are more likely to dedicate themselves.

While advocating for your brand at regular intervals is important, the best time for brand education is during the onboarding phase. Meanwhile, this includes presentations, videos, and graphics featuring the company’s growth since its starting.

Employees Recognition Programmes

In a workplace, positive employee recognition programmes terms as the central pillar. Depending on your company’s size and recognition programme, managers can write a thank you mail for their employees. Additionally, the recognition can be an employee award show or a dinner event.

Introducing Communication Application

With the introduction of remote workplaces, many communication apps have become a need for employees. For instance, you can use different kinds of apps to announce new rollouts, serving as a platform for employee appreciation.

Employee Roundtables

In an organisation, an employee should feel comfortable while sharing their opinions. For instance, employee roundtables are proven as a safe and communicative location for employees to merge with management and share their ideas. During roundtable discussions, individuals should have the audacity to share disagreements while being respectful to each other. Not only this, but the roundtable meetings are the best interaction between the marketing employees and the HR department. The information collected from the discussions can be shared with the HR department to know their employee’s likes and dislikes. Transparency is key. Managers should minimise their interactions and focus on actively listening to what their employees have to say.

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Final Words

In the ever-changing landscape of businesses, internal marketing is an important element of every business. By promoting company values and integrating positive marketing elements like internal marketing, you can set up effective communication with your employees. However, it is a crucial point to know that internal marketing needs extensive research and attention for a successful implementation.

While large businesses have set internal marketing as one of their traditional strategies, small-scale businesses have also outgrown implementing it within their firm. Meanwhile, if you are a business professional and are seeking a piece of much-sought information about internal marketing, refer to the above-mentioned guide.

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